About Me
Learn more about my 20+ in the mental health field, and how I can be of assistance to you.
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Therapy is hard work. It involves going into the outside world and trying new, often scary things, whether that may be with our partners, families, or even ourselves. It's often by taking ourselves out of our comfort zone, and breaking up those same old patterns that are not working for us, that we truly begin to see change.
My practice, Nuevo Day Family Wellness, is here to help you take those next steps. This is a fully Spanish bilingual/bicultural practice with a strong emphasis on creating and restoring connection, whether you may be a parent looking to take charge of your family, or an individual wanting to take charge of what you feel gets in your way.
Let's work together here. I may have the fancy letters after my name, but you have the life experience as to yourself, your family, and your environment which makes you the expert as well. My office is here for you.
Jorge Fernandez, LCSW